ERROR - XPathFactoryConfigurationException - Possible Causes of XPathFactoryConfigurationException

Exception Thrown By:Cause
Java SE XPathFactory public static XPathFactory newInstance(String uri) If the
specified object model is unavailable
Java SE XPathFactory public abstract boolean getFeature(String name) if this XPathFactory or the
XPaths it creates cannot support this feature.
Java SE XPathFactory public static XPathFactory newInstance(String uri) If the
specified object model is unavailable
Java SE XPathFactory public abstract boolean getFeature(String name) if this XPathFactory or the
XPaths it creates cannot support this feature.
Java SE XPathFactory public static XPathFactory newInstance(String uri) If the
specified object model is unavailable
Java SE XPathFactory public abstract boolean getFeature(String name) if this XPathFactory or the
XPaths it creates cannot support this feature.
Java SE XPathFactory public static XPathFactory newInstance(String uri) If the
specified object model is unavailable
Java SE XPathFactory public abstract boolean getFeature(String name) if this XPathFactory or the
XPaths it creates cannot support this feature.
Java SE XPathFactory public static XPathFactory newInstance(String uri) If the
specified object model is unavailable
Java SE XPathFactory public abstract boolean getFeature(String name) if this XPathFactory or the
XPaths it creates cannot support this feature.