ERROR - com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.ReasonerException - Possible Causes of ReasonerException

Exception Thrown By:Cause
Apache Jena RDFSRuleReasoner public Reasoner bindSchema(Graph tbox) if the reasoner cannot be bound
to a rule set in this way
Apache Jena FBRuleReasoner public Reasoner bindSchema(Model tbox) if the reasoner cannot be bound
to a rule set in this way
Apache Jena FBRuleReasoner public InfGraph bind(Graph data) if the data is ill formed according to the constraints imposed
by this reasoner.setRulespublic void setRules(List rules)Se(or change) the rule set that this reasoner should execute.Specifieby
Apache Jena BasicForwardRuleReasoner public Reasoner bindSchema(Model tbox) if the reasoner cannot be bound
to a rule set in this way
Apache Jena BasicForwardRuleReasoner public InfGraph bind(Graph data) if the data is ill formed
according to the constraints imposed by this reasoner
Apache Jena GenericRuleReasoner public InfGraph bind(Graph data) if the data is ill formed
according to the constraints imposed by this reasoner
Apache Jena OWLFBRuleReasoner public InfGraph bind(Graph data) if the data is ill formed
according to the constraints imposed by this reasoner
Apache Jena TransitiveReasoner public Reasoner bindSchema(Model tbox) if the reasoner cannot be bound
to a rule set in this way
Apache Jena TransitiveReasoner public InfGraph bind(Graph data) if the data is ill formed
according to the constraints imposed by this reasoner
Apache Jena LPBackwardRuleReasoner public Reasoner bindSchema(Model tbox) if the reasoner cannot be bound
to a rule set in this way
Apache Jena LPBackwardRuleReasoner public InfGraph bind(Graph data) if the data is ill formed
according to the constraints imposed by this reasoner