ERROR - The socket bind failed for host hostname( localhost ) and port portnumber (80 , 9080 , 8000). The port may already be in use.


CHFW0029E: Error initializing chain SOAPAcceptorChain2 because of exception Address already in use: bind
[11/28/12 22:21:36:653 PST] 0000000e TCPPort       E   TCPC0003E: TCP Channel TCP_4 initialization failed.  The socket bind failed for host * and port 443.  The port may already be in use.


The error occurs while restarting the application server as the port might be in use by some other application or the port might haven't released properly during restart.


a. To correct this problem, wait for a few minutes after stopping the server and then restart the server.

b. Check if there is any other app that is using the same port. Could be another http server listening on the same port or some other app ( skype could be using the same port :) ). 

c. Check the startup logs for any errors and specifically look for errors pertaining to same port.