Q1. What is JSON ?
Ans. JSON is "JavaScript Object Notation", primarily used for client-server or server-server communication. Its a much lighter and readable alternative to XML. JSON is language independent and is easily parse-able in all programming languages.
Q2. What is the role of JSON.stringify ?
Ans. JSON.stringify() turns an object into a JSON text and stores that JSON text in a string.
So If we stringfy above notation , it will become
Q3. Which function is used to convert a JSON text into an object ?
Ans. eval
Q4. Which data types are supported by JSON ?
Q5. What are the benefits of JSON over XML ?
Q6. Which markup languages can be used in restful web services ?
Ans. XML and JSON ( Javascript Object Notation ).
Ans. JSON is "JavaScript Object Notation", primarily used for client-server or server-server communication. Its a much lighter and readable alternative to XML. JSON is language independent and is easily parse-able in all programming languages.
Q2. What is the role of JSON.stringify ?
Ans. JSON.stringify() turns an object into a JSON text and stores that JSON text in a string.
So If we stringfy above notation , it will become
Q3. Which function is used to convert a JSON text into an object ?
Ans. eval
Q4. Which data types are supported by JSON ?
- Number
- String
- Boolean
- Array
- Object
- null
Q5. What are the benefits of JSON over XML ?
- Lighter and faster than XML as on-the-wire data format
- Object Representation - Information is presented in object notations and hence better understandable. Easy to parse and conversion to objects for information consumption.
- Support multiple data types - JSON supports string, number, array, boolean whereas XML data are all string.
Q6. Which markup languages can be used in restful web services ?
Ans. XML and JSON ( Javascript Object Notation ).