ERROR - The return type is incompatible with xyz.method


The return type is incompatible with xyz.method

Overrides xyz.method

Error Type 

Compile Time

Sample Code 

class ParentClass{
public String method(){
System.out.println("String Method");
return "Yes";

class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
public void method(){
System.out.println("String Method");


The sub class cannot declare a method with the same name of an already existing method in the super class with a different return type. This is neither Overloading nor Overriding.

Java only allows you to alter the return type of an overridden method, as long as the new type is a subclass of the original one. This is called covariant return type.


If you are trying to have overloaded method, Add the method with different number or type of arguments.

class ParentClass{
public String method(){
System.out.println("String Method");
return "Yes";

class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
public void method(int x){
System.out.println("String Method");
        return "No";

or If you are trying to override method, have the same return type

class ParentClass{
public String method(){
System.out.println("String Method");
return "Yes";

class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
public String method(){
System.out.println("String Method");
        return "No";