1. We can't declare a method abstract as well as final.
2. Keywords are case sensitive.
3. * Final variables can be initialized while declaration as well as within constructor.
4. instanceOf returns true if the specified object is the instance of class , interface or any parent class / interface.
5. instanceOf used with null returns false and not exception.
6. * import static com.x is a valid syntax whereas static import com.x is invalid.
7. * Final methods cannot be overridden.
8. Final class cannot be subclassed.
2. Keywords are case sensitive.
3. * Final variables can be initialized while declaration as well as within constructor.
4. instanceOf returns true if the specified object is the instance of class , interface or any parent class / interface.
5. instanceOf used with null returns false and not exception.
6. * import static com.x is a valid syntax whereas static import com.x is invalid.
7. * Final methods cannot be overridden.
8. Final class cannot be subclassed.