Maven - Interview Questions and Answers - Multiple Choice - Objective Test

Q1. What is Maven's order of inheritance?

a. parent pom -> project pom -> settings -> CLI parameters
b. project pom -> parent pom -> settings -> CLI parameters
c. settings -> parent pom -> project pom -> CLI parameters
d. CLI parameters -> settings -> parent pom -> project pom
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Ans. parent pom -> project pom -> settings -> CLI parameters

Q2. How do I determine which POM contains missing transitive dependency?

a. mvn -A
b. mvn -M
c. mvn -R
d. mvn -X
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Ans. mvn -X

Q3. What is the sequence in which Maven looks for the resources ?

a. Remote-> Maven Central - > Local
b. Local -> Remote - Maven Central
c. Remote-> Local -> Maven Central
d. Maven Central -> Local -> Remote
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Ans. Local -> Remote - Maven Central

Q4. POM stands for ...

a. Project Object Model
b. Project Oriented Model
c. Prospective Object Model
d. Prospective Objective Model
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Ans. Project Object Model

Q5. Which of the following is not type of Maven Repository ?

a. Local
b. Remote
c. Maven Central
d. Maven Local
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Ans. Maven Local

Q6. What is the default location of local repository ?

a. ~/.m2/repo
b. ~/m2./home/repository
c. ~/m2./repository
d. ~/m2./home/repo
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Ans. ~/m2./repository

Q7. Which of the following is not type of Maven Plugin ?

a. Build
b. Reporting
c. Remote
d. All are valid Maven Plugin types
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Ans. Remote

Q8. Which of the following is not a dependency scope in Maven ?

a. Compile
b. Test
c. System
d. Export
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Ans. Export

Q9. What is a project's fully qualified artifact name?

a. ::
b. :
c. ::
d. :
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Ans. ::