Q1. What is the difference between namenode and datanode in Hadoop?
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Ans. NameNode stores MetaData (No of Blocks, On Which Rack which DataNode is stored etc) whereas the DataNode stores the actual Data. |
Q2. Which is the default Input Formats defined in Hadoop ? a. SequenceFileInputFormat b. ByteInputFormat c. KeyValueInputFormat d. TextInputFormat show Answer | |
Ans. TextInputFormat |
Q3. Which of the following is not an input format in Hadoop ? a. TextInputFormat b. ByteInputFormat c. SequenceFileInputFormat d. KeyValueInputFormat show Answer | |
Ans. ByteInputFormat |
Q4. Which of the following is a valid flow in Hadoop ? a. Input -> Reducer -> Mapper -> Combiner -> -> Output b. Input -> Mapper -> Reducer -> Combiner -> Output c. Input -> Mapper -> Combiner -> Reducer -> Output d. Input -> Reducer -> Combiner -> Mapper -> Output show Answer | |
Ans. Input -> Mapper -> Combiner -> Reducer -> Output |
Ans. Google |
Q6. Which of the following is not a phase of Reducer ? a. Map b. Reduce c. Shuffle d. Sort show Answer | |
Ans. Map |
Ans. 1 |
Q8. Which of the following is not the Dameon process that runs on a hadoop cluster ? a. JobTracker b. DataNode c. TaskTracker d. TaskNode show Answer | |
Ans. TaskNode |