Q1. Which Software Development methodology is being used in your current Job ?
Ans. We are using Agile methodology. I attend daily stand up where the development leads takes the status of assigned stories, achievements, any bottlenecks or challenges. We follow iteration of 2 weeks.
Q2. Which UML diagrams you usually use ?
Ans. Use Case Diagram, Component Diagram
Q3. How do you coordinate and communicate with the team developers ?
Ans. We as a team of developers , testers , analyst , lead and architect sit close to each other. Most of the time I would just jump to their seat and talk to them ( if required ). We have daily stand up where we discuss things that needs team attention.
Q4. What is your role in current position ?
Ans. I am working as a Software System Analyst that specializes in understanding Business Requirements, Analyzing them , Performs Cost / Benefit analysis, Make suggestions to business , translate the business requirements into technical requirements, Discuss their feasibility with the technical team, performs sizing in coordination with developers and prepare high level design document.
Q5. What kind of software architecture your organization follow ?
Ans. We have multi tier architecture with multiple layers , We have series of web servers and applications in application tier, infrastructure libraries at middle tier and Database servers at the lower tier. We are using Oracle as Database, ESB ( Enterprise service Bus ) for asynchronous communication and Rest Web Services.
Q6. Do you talk to testers ?
Ans. Yes, usually I would talk to them to make sure that we are on same page in terms on understanding the business requirement.
Q7. What you would do if you realize that business requirement is not technically feasible ?
Ans. I would first try to make sure that I am correct in that understanding. Will talk to developers and architects to understand the technical challenges to accomplish it. Once I am done with my ground work, Will schedule a meeting with business stake holders. Will gather required evidences and will present the challenges to Business.
Q8. What are use cases?
Ans. It is part of the analysis of a program and describes a situation that a program might encounter and what behavior the program should exhibit in that circumstance.