ERROR - IllegalComponentStateException - Possible Causes of IllegalComponentStateException

Exception Thrown By:Cause
Component public Locale getLocale()if the Componentdoes not have its own locale and has not yet been added toa containment hierarchy such that the locale can be determinedfrom the containing parent
Component public Point getLocationOnScreen()if thecomponent is not showing on the screen
Dialog public void setUndecorated(boolean undecorated)if the dialog is displayable
Frame public void setUndecorated(boolean undecorated)if the frame is displayable
JApplet public void setContentPane(Container contentPane)(a runtimeexception) if the content pane parameter is null
JApplet public JLayeredPane getLayeredPane()(a runtimeexception) if the layered pane parameter is null
JDialog public void setContentPane(Container contentPane)(a runtimeexception) if the content pane parameter is null
JDialog public void setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane layeredPane)(a runtimeexception) if the layered pane parameter is null
JFrame public void setContentPane(Container contentPane)(a runtimeexception) if the content pane parameter is null
JFrame public void setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane layeredPane)(a runtimeexception) if the layered pane parameter is null
JInternalFrame public void setContentPane(Container c)(a runtime exception) if the content pane parameter is null
JRootPane public void setContentPane(Container content)(a runtimeexception) if the content pane parameter is nullget the container that holds the components parented by the root pane
JRootPane public void setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane layered)(a runtimeexception) if the layered pane parameter is nullget
JWindow public void setContentPane(Container contentPane)(a runtimeexception) if the content pane parameter is null
JWindow public void setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane layeredPane)(a runtimeexception) if the content pane parameter is null
Window public void setType(Window.Type type)if the window is displayable.
Window public void setLocationByPlatform(boolean locationByPlatform)if the window is showing on screen and location
Window public void setShape(Shape shape)if the shape is not null and the window is decorated
Window public void setBackground(Color bgColor)if the alpha value of the given background color is less than 1.0f and the window is decorated