ERROR - java.beans.PropertyVetoException - Possible Causes of java.beans.PropertyVetoException

Exception Thrown By:Cause
JInternalFrame public void
setClosed(boolean b)
when the attempt to set
theproperty is vetoed by the JInternalFrame
JInternalFrame public void
setIcon(boolean b)
when the attempt to set
theproperty is vetoed by the JInternalFrame
JInternalFrame public void
setMaximum(boolean b)
when the attempt to
set theproperty is vetoed by the
JInternalFrame public void
setSelected(boolean selected)
when the attempt to set
theproperty is vetoed by the JInternalFrame
VetoableChangeSupport public void
fireVetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)
if one of
listeners vetoes the property updatehas