ERROR - java.lang.IllegalStateException - Possible Causes of IllegalStateException

Exception Thrown By:Cause
ArrayBlockingQueue public boolean
add(E e)
if this
queue is full
CharsetDecoder public final CoderResult
flush(CharBuffer out)
If the previous step of the current decoding operation was aninvocation neither of the
flush method nor ofthe three argument decode methodwith a value of true for the end
CharsetDecoder public final CharBuffer
decode(ByteBuffer in)
If a decoding
operation is already in progress
CharsetDecoder public Charset
If insufficient bytes have
been read to determine a charset
Cipher public final int
getOutputSize(int inputLen)
if this cipher is
in a wrong state (e.g.
Cipher public final byte[]
update(byte[] input)
if this cipher is
in a wrong state.
Cipher public final byte[]
if this cipher is
in a wrong state.
Cipher public final byte[]
doFinal(byte[] input)
if this cipher is
in a wrong state.
Cipher public final byte[]
wrap(Key key)
if this cipher is
in a wrong state.
Clipboard public Transferable
getContents(Object requestor)
if the
clipboard is currently unavailable
Clipboard public DataFlavor[]
if this
clipboard is currently unavailable
DateTimeFormatterBuilder public DateTimeFormatterBuilder
if there was
no previous call to optional
Duration public Duration
subtract(Duration rhs)
If two durations
cannot be meaningfully subtracted.
Duration public abstract Duration
multiply(BigDecimal factor)
if operation produces
fraction in the months field.
Endpoint public abstract void
setMetadata(List metadata)
If the endpoint
has already been published.
Endpoint public void
setEndpointContext(EndpointContext ctxt)
If the endpoint has been
published already or it has been stopped.
ExemptionMechanism public final int
getOutputSize(int inputLen)
if this exemption mechanism
is in a wrong state.
ExemptionMechanism public final byte[]
if this exemption mechanism
is in a wrong state.
ExemptionMechanism public final int
genExemptionBlob(byte[] output)
if this exemption mechanism
is in a wrong state.
ForwardingFileObject public OutputStream
if this file object was opened
for reading and does not support writing.
ForwardingFileObject public Reader
openReader(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors)
if this file object was opened
for writing and does not support reading. 
ForwardingFileObject public CharSequence
getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors)
if this file object was opened
for writing and does not support reading. 
ForwardingFileObject public Writer
if this file object was opened
for reading and does not support writing.
GroupLayout public void
layoutContainer(Container parent)
if any of the components added to this
layout are not in both a horizontal and vertical group.
HttpURLConnection public void
setFixedLengthStreamingMode(long contentLength)
if URLConnection is already connected or
if a differentstreaming mode is already enabled.
HttpURLConnection public void
setChunkedStreamingMode(int chunklen)
if URLConnection is already connectedor if
a different streaming mode is already enabled.
HttpsURLConnection public abstract Certificate[]
if this method is
called before the connection has been established.
HttpsURLConnection public Principal
if this method is
called before the connection has been established
IIOMetadata public abstract void
if this
object is read only.
IIOMetadata public boolean
if there is
no controller currently installed.
IIOParam public boolean
if there is
no controller currently installed.
JAXBResult public Object
if this method is
called before an object is unmarshalled.
JPEGImageWriteParam public boolean
if the
compression mode is not
JarFile public Manifest
may be thrown if
the jar file has been closed.
JarFile public JarEntry
getJarEntry(String name)
may be thrown if
the jar file has been closed.
JarFile public ZipEntry
getEntry(String name)
may be thrown if
the jar file has been closed.
KeyAgreement public final byte[]
if this key agreement
has not been completed yet.
KeyAgreement public final SecretKey
generateSecret(String algorithm)
if this key agreement
has not been completed yet
KeyManagerFactory public final KeyManager[]
if the
KeyManagerFactory is not initialized
KeyStore.PasswordProtection public char[]
if the
password has been cleared (destroyed)
LinkedBlockingDeque public void
addFirst(E e)
if this
deque is full
LinkedBlockingDeque public void
addLast(E e)
if this
deque is full
LinkedBlockingDeque public boolean
add(E e)
if this
deque is full
LinkedBlockingDeque public void
push(E e)
if this
deque is full
Mac public final void
update(byte input)
if this
Mac has not been initialized.
Mac public final void
update(byte[] input)
if this
Mac has not been initialized.
Mac public final void
update(ByteBuffer input)
if this Mac
has not been initialized.
Mac public final byte[]
if this Mac
has not been initialized.
Mac public final byte[]
doFinal(byte[] input)
if this
Mac has not been initialized.
Matcher public int
If no match
has yet been attempted
Matcher public int
start(int group)
If no match
has yet been attempted
Matcher public int
start(String name)
If no match
has yet been attempted
Matcher public int
If no match
has yet been attempted
Matcher public int
end(int group)
If no match
has yet been attempted
Matcher public int
end(String name)
If no match
has yet been attempted
Matcher public String
If no match
has yet been attempted
Matcher public String
group(int group)
If no match
has yet been attempted
Matcher public String
group(String name)
If no match
has yet been attempted
MembershipKey public abstract MembershipKey
unblock(InetAddress source)
If the given source address is not
currently blocked or the membership key is no longer
PBEKeySpec public final char[]
if password has
been cleared by calling clear.
Phaser public int
if attempting to register more
than the maximum supported number of parties.
Phaser public int
bulkRegister(int parties)
if attempting to register more
than the maximum supported number of parties.
Phaser public int
if not terminated and the
number of unarrived parties would become negative.
Phaser public int
if not terminated and the number
of registered or unarrived parties would become negative.
Phaser public int
if not terminated and the
number of unarrived parties would become negative.
Preferences public abstract Preferences
if this node (or an
ancestor) has been removed with the remove
RMIConnectorServer public void
if the connector server has
not been attached to an MBean server.
Runtime public boolean
removeShutdownHook(Thread hook)
If the virtual machine is
already in the process of shutting down
SSLContext public final SSLSocketFactory
if the SSLContextImpl requiresinitialization and
the init() has not been called.
SSLContext public final SSLServerSocketFactory
if the SSLContextImpl requiresinitialization and
the init() has not been called.
Scanner public MatchResult
If no
match result is available.
Scanner public boolean
if this
scanner is closed
Scanner public boolean
hasNext(String pattern)
if this
scanner is closed.  
Scanner public boolean
hasNext(Pattern pattern)
if this
scanner is closed.
Scanner public boolean
if this
scanner is closed.
Scanner public String
findInLine(String pattern)
if this
scanner is closed.
Scanner public String
findInLine(Pattern pattern)
if this
scanner is closed.
Scanner public Scanner
skip(String pattern)
if this
scanner is closed.
SimpleJavaFileObject public Reader
openReader(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors)
if this file object was opened
for writing and does not support reading
SimpleJavaFileObject public Writer
if this file object was opened
for reading and does not support writing
SplashScreen public URL
if the splash
screen has already been closed.
SplashScreen public Rectangle
if the splash
screen has already been closed.
SplashScreen public Dimension
if the splash
screen has already been closed.
SplashScreen public Graphics2D
if the splash
screen has already been closed.
SplashScreen public void
if the overlay image
does not exist.
SplashScreen public void
if the splash
screen has already been closedis
TransferHandler.TransferSupport public TransferHandler.DropLocation
if this
is not a drop
TransferHandler.TransferSupport public void
setShowDropLocation(boolean showDropLocation)
if this
is not a drop
TransferHandler.TransferSupport public void
setDropAction(int dropAction)
if this
is not a drop
TransferHandler.TransferSupport public int
if this
is not a drop
TransferHandler.TransferSupport public int
if this
is not a drop
TransferHandler.TransferSupport public int
if this
is not a drop
TrustManagerFactory public final TrustManager[]
if the
factory is not initialized
XMLGregorianCalendar public abstract String
if the combination of set fields does not match
one of the eight defined XML Schema builtin date/time datatypes
XMLGregorianCalendar public abstract QName
if the combination of set fieldsdoes not match
one of the eight defined XML Schema builtindate/time datatypes
XMLGregorianCalendar public String
if the combination of set fieldsdoes not match
one of the eight defined XML Schema builtin date/time datatypes