Exception Thrown By: | Cause | |
Class | Method | |
ArrayBlockingQueue | public boolean add(E e) | if this queue is full |
CharsetDecoder | public final CoderResult flush(CharBuffer out) | If the previous step of the current decoding operation was aninvocation neither of the flush method nor ofthe three argument decode methodwith a value of true for the end |
CharsetDecoder | public final CharBuffer decode(ByteBuffer in) | If a decoding operation is already in progress |
CharsetDecoder | public Charset detectedCharset() | If insufficient bytes have been read to determine a charset |
Cipher | public final int getOutputSize(int inputLen) | if this cipher is in a wrong state (e.g. |
Cipher | public final byte[] update(byte[] input) | if this cipher is in a wrong state. |
Cipher | public final byte[] doFinal() | if this cipher is in a wrong state. |
Cipher | public final byte[] doFinal(byte[] input) | if this cipher is in a wrong state. |
Cipher | public final byte[] wrap(Key key) | if this cipher is in a wrong state. |
Clipboard | public Transferable getContents(Object requestor) | if the clipboard is currently unavailable |
Clipboard | public DataFlavor[] getAvailableDataFlavors() | if this clipboard is currently unavailable |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder | public DateTimeFormatterBuilder optionalEnd() | if there was no previous call to optional |
Duration | public Duration subtract(Duration rhs) | If two durations cannot be meaningfully subtracted. |
Duration | public abstract Duration multiply(BigDecimal factor) | if operation produces fraction in the months field. |
Endpoint | public abstract void setMetadata(List | If the endpoint has already been published. |
Endpoint | public void setEndpointContext(EndpointContext ctxt) | If the endpoint has been published already or it has been stopped. |
ExemptionMechanism | public final int getOutputSize(int inputLen) | if this exemption mechanism is in a wrong state. |
ExemptionMechanism | public final byte[] genExemptionBlob() | if this exemption mechanism is in a wrong state. |
ExemptionMechanism | public final int genExemptionBlob(byte[] output) | if this exemption mechanism is in a wrong state. |
ForwardingFileObject | public OutputStream openOutputStream() | if this file object was opened for reading and does not support writing. |
ForwardingFileObject | public Reader openReader(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) | if this file object was opened for writing and does not support reading. |
ForwardingFileObject | public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) | if this file object was opened for writing and does not support reading. |
ForwardingFileObject | public Writer openWriter() | if this file object was opened for reading and does not support writing. |
GroupLayout | public void layoutContainer(Container parent) | if any of the components added to this layout are not in both a horizontal and vertical group. |
HttpURLConnection | public void setFixedLengthStreamingMode(long contentLength) | if URLConnection is already connected or if a differentstreaming mode is already enabled. |
HttpURLConnection | public void setChunkedStreamingMode(int chunklen) | if URLConnection is already connectedor if a different streaming mode is already enabled. |
HttpsURLConnection | public abstract Certificate[] getLocalCertificates() | if this method is called before the connection has been established. |
HttpsURLConnection | public Principal getLocalPrincipal() | if this method is called before the connection has been established |
IIOMetadata | public abstract void reset() | if this object is read only. |
IIOMetadata | public boolean activateController() | if there is no controller currently installed. |
IIOParam | public boolean activateController() | if there is no controller currently installed. |
JAXBResult | public Object getResult() | if this method is called before an object is unmarshalled. |
JPEGImageWriteParam | public boolean isCompressionLossless() | if the compression mode is not |
JarFile | public Manifest getManifest() | may be thrown if the jar file has been closed. |
JarFile | public JarEntry getJarEntry(String name) | may be thrown if the jar file has been closed. |
JarFile | public ZipEntry getEntry(String name) | may be thrown if the jar file has been closed. |
KeyAgreement | public final byte[] generateSecret() | if this key agreement has not been completed yet. |
KeyAgreement | public final SecretKey generateSecret(String algorithm) | if this key agreement has not been completed yet |
KeyManagerFactory | public final KeyManager[] getKeyManagers() | if the KeyManagerFactory is not initialized |
KeyStore.PasswordProtection | public char[] getPassword() | if the password has been cleared (destroyed) |
LinkedBlockingDeque | public void addFirst(E e) | if this deque is full |
LinkedBlockingDeque | public void addLast(E e) | if this deque is full |
LinkedBlockingDeque | public boolean add(E e) | if this deque is full |
LinkedBlockingDeque | public void push(E e) | if this deque is full |
Mac | public final void update(byte input) | if this Mac has not been initialized. |
Mac | public final void update(byte[] input) | if this Mac has not been initialized. |
Mac | public final void update(ByteBuffer input) | if this Mac has not been initialized. |
Mac | public final byte[] doFinal() | if this Mac has not been initialized. |
Mac | public final byte[] doFinal(byte[] input) | if this Mac has not been initialized. |
Matcher | public int start() | If no match has yet been attempted |
Matcher | public int start(int group) | If no match has yet been attempted |
Matcher | public int start(String name) | If no match has yet been attempted |
Matcher | public int end() | If no match has yet been attempted |
Matcher | public int end(int group) | If no match has yet been attempted |
Matcher | public int end(String name) | If no match has yet been attempted |
Matcher | public String group() | If no match has yet been attempted |
Matcher | public String group(int group) | If no match has yet been attempted |
Matcher | public String group(String name) | If no match has yet been attempted |
MembershipKey | public abstract MembershipKey unblock(InetAddress source) | If the given source address is not currently blocked or the membership key is no longer |
PBEKeySpec | public final char[] getPassword() | if password has been cleared by calling clear. |
Phaser | public int register() | if attempting to register more than the maximum supported number of parties. |
Phaser | public int bulkRegister(int parties) | if attempting to register more than the maximum supported number of parties. |
Phaser | public int arrive() | if not terminated and the number of unarrived parties would become negative. |
Phaser | public int arriveAndDeregister() | if not terminated and the number of registered or unarrived parties would become negative. |
Phaser | public int arriveAndAwaitAdvance() | if not terminated and the number of unarrived parties would become negative. |
Preferences | public abstract Preferences parent() | if this node (or an ancestor) has been removed with the remove |
RMIConnectorServer | public void start() | if the connector server has not been attached to an MBean server. |
Runtime | public boolean removeShutdownHook(Thread hook) | If the virtual machine is already in the process of shutting down |
SSLContext | public final SSLSocketFactory getSocketFactory() | if the SSLContextImpl requiresinitialization and the init() has not been called. |
SSLContext | public final SSLServerSocketFactory getServerSocketFactory() | if the SSLContextImpl requiresinitialization and the init() has not been called. |
Scanner | public MatchResult match() | If no match result is available. |
Scanner | public boolean hasNext() | if this scanner is closed |
Scanner | public boolean hasNext(String pattern) | if this scanner is closed. |
Scanner | public boolean hasNext(Pattern pattern) | if this scanner is closed. |
Scanner | public boolean hasNextLine() | if this scanner is closed. |
Scanner | public String findInLine(String pattern) | if this scanner is closed. |
Scanner | public String findInLine(Pattern pattern) | if this scanner is closed. |
Scanner | public Scanner skip(String pattern) | if this scanner is closed. |
SimpleJavaFileObject | public Reader openReader(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) | if this file object was opened for writing and does not support reading |
SimpleJavaFileObject | public Writer openWriter() | if this file object was opened for reading and does not support writing |
SplashScreen | public URL getImageURL() | if the splash screen has already been closed. |
SplashScreen | public Rectangle getBounds() | if the splash screen has already been closed. |
SplashScreen | public Dimension getSize() | if the splash screen has already been closed. |
SplashScreen | public Graphics2D createGraphics() | if the splash screen has already been closed. |
SplashScreen | public void update() | if the overlay image does not exist. |
SplashScreen | public void close() | if the splash screen has already been closedis |
TransferHandler.TransferSupport | public TransferHandler.DropLocation getDropLocation() | if this is not a drop |
TransferHandler.TransferSupport | public void setShowDropLocation(boolean showDropLocation) | if this is not a drop |
TransferHandler.TransferSupport | public void setDropAction(int dropAction) | if this is not a drop |
TransferHandler.TransferSupport | public int getDropAction() | if this is not a drop |
TransferHandler.TransferSupport | public int getUserDropAction() | if this is not a drop |
TransferHandler.TransferSupport | public int getSourceDropActions() | if this is not a drop |
TrustManagerFactory | public final TrustManager[] getTrustManagers() | if the factory is not initialized |
XMLGregorianCalendar | public abstract String toXMLFormat() | if the combination of set fields does not match one of the eight defined XML Schema builtin date/time datatypes |
XMLGregorianCalendar | public abstract QName getXMLSchemaType() | if the combination of set fieldsdoes not match one of the eight defined XML Schema builtindate/time datatypes |
XMLGregorianCalendar | public String toString() | if the combination of set fieldsdoes not match one of the eight defined XML Schema builtin date/time datatypes |