Exception Thrown By: | Cause | |
Class | Method | |
AbstractList | public abstract E get(int index) | if the index is out of range. |
BitSet | public void flip(int bitIndex) | if the specified index is negative |
Book | public Printable getPrintable(int pageIndex) | if the Pageable does not contain the requested pageset |
ByteBuffer | public abstract byte get(int index) | If index is negativeor not smaller than the buffer's limit |
ByteBuffer | public abstract char getChar(int index) | If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit |
ByteBuffer | public abstract short getShort(int index) | If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit |
ByteBuffer | public abstract int getInt(int index) | If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit |
ByteBuffer | public abstract long getLong(int index) | If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit |
ByteBuffer | public abstract float getFloat(int index) | If index is negativeor not smaller than the buffer's limit |
ByteBuffer | public abstract double getDouble(int index) | If index is negativeor not smaller than the buffer's limit |
CharBuffer | public abstract char get(int index) | If index is negativeor not smaller than the buffer's |
CharBuffer | public final char charAt(int index) | If the preconditions on index do not holdsub |
Choice | public void remove(int position) | if the specifiedposition is out of bounds |
CopyOnWriteArrayList | public E get(int index) | if the index is out of range |
DoubleBuffer | public abstract double get(int index) | If index is negativeor not smaller than the buffer's |
FileCacheImageOutputStream | public void seek(long pos) | if pos is smaller than the flushed position.IO |
FloatBuffer | public abstract float get(int index) | If index is negativeor not smaller than the buffer's |
IIOImage | public BufferedImage getThumbnail(int index) | if the supplied index is negative or larger than the largest valid index. |
IntBuffer | public abstract int get(int index) | If index is negativeor not smaller than the buffer's |
JTabbedPane | public void setSelectedIndex(int index) | if index is out of range(index < 1 |
JTable | public int convertRowIndexToView(int modelRowIndex) | if sorting is enabled and passed an index outside the number of rows of the TableModel |
JTable | public int convertRowIndexToModel(int viewRowIndex) | if sorting is enabled and passed an index outside the range of the JTable as determined by the method get |
LdapName | public String get(int posn) | if posn is outside thespecified range |
LdapName | public Rdn getRdn(int posn) | if posn is outside thespecified range |
LdapName | public Name getPrefix(int posn) | If posn is outside the specified range |
LdapName | public Name getSuffix(int posn) | If posn is outside the specified range.starts in other words this LDAP name starts with 'n'. If n is null or not a RFC2253 formatted name as described in the class description |
LdapName | public Object remove(int posn) | if posn is outside the specified range. |
LongBuffer | public abstract long get(int index) | If index is negativeor not smaller than the buffer's |
Matcher | public boolean find(int start) | If start is less than zero or if start is greater than thelength of the input sequence |
MethodType | public Class parameterType(int num) | if num is not a valid index into parameter |
RoleList | public boolean addAll(RoleList roleList) | if accessing with an index outside of the list. |
RoleUnresolvedList | public boolean addAll(RoleUnresolvedList roleList) | if accessing with an index outside of the list.add |
ShortBuffer | public abstract short get(int index) | If index is negativeor not smaller than the buffer's |
TypeInfoProvider | public abstract TypeInfo getAttributeTypeInfo(int index) | If the index is invalid. |
TypeInfoProvider | public abstract boolean isIdAttribute(int index) | If the index is invalid. |
TypeInfoProvider | public abstract boolean isSpecified(int index) | If the index is invalid. |