ERROR - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - Possible Causes of IndexOutOfBoundsException

Exception Thrown By:Cause
AbstractList public abstract E
get(int index)
if the index is
out of range.
BitSet public void
flip(int bitIndex)
if the
specified index is negative
Book public Printable
getPrintable(int pageIndex)
if the Pageable does
not contain the requested pageset
ByteBuffer public abstract byte
get(int index)
If index is negativeor
not smaller than the buffer's limit
ByteBuffer public abstract char
getChar(int index)
If index is negative or
not smaller than the buffer's limit
ByteBuffer public abstract short
getShort(int index)
If index is negative or
not smaller than the buffer's limit
ByteBuffer public abstract int
getInt(int index)
If index is negative or
not smaller than the buffer's limit
ByteBuffer public abstract long
getLong(int index)
If index is negative or
not smaller than the buffer's limit
ByteBuffer public abstract float
getFloat(int index)
If index is negativeor
not smaller than the buffer's limit
ByteBuffer public abstract double
getDouble(int index)
If index is negativeor
not smaller than the buffer's limit
CharBuffer public abstract char
get(int index)
If index is negativeor
not smaller than the buffer's
CharBuffer public final char
charAt(int index)
If the preconditions
on index do not holdsub
Choice public void
remove(int position)
if the specifiedposition
is out of bounds
CopyOnWriteArrayList public E
get(int index)
if the index is
out of range 
DoubleBuffer public abstract double
get(int index)
If index is negativeor
not smaller than the buffer's
FileCacheImageOutputStream public void
seek(long pos)
if pos is
smaller than the flushed position.IO
FloatBuffer public abstract float
get(int index)
If index is negativeor
not smaller than the buffer's
IIOImage public BufferedImage
getThumbnail(int index)
if the supplied index is negative
or larger than the largest valid index.
IntBuffer public abstract int
get(int index)
If index is negativeor
not smaller than the buffer's
JTabbedPane public void
setSelectedIndex(int index)
if index is
out of range(index < 1
JTable public int
convertRowIndexToView(int modelRowIndex)
if sorting is enabled and passed an
index outside the number of rows of the TableModel
JTable public int
convertRowIndexToModel(int viewRowIndex)
if sorting is enabled and passed an index outside
the range of the JTable as determined by the method get
LdapName public String
get(int posn)
if posn
is outside thespecified range
LdapName public Rdn
getRdn(int posn)
if posn
is outside thespecified range
LdapName public Name
getPrefix(int posn)
If posn is
outside the specified range
LdapName public Name
getSuffix(int posn)
If posn is outside the specified range.starts in other words this LDAP name starts with
'n'. If n is null or not a RFC2253 formatted name as described in the class description
LdapName public Object
remove(int posn)
if posn is
outside the specified range.
LongBuffer public abstract long
get(int index)
If index is negativeor
not smaller than the buffer's
Matcher public boolean
find(int start)
If start is less than zero or if
start is greater than thelength of the input sequence
MethodType public Class
parameterType(int num)
if num is not
a valid index into parameter
RoleList public boolean
addAll(RoleList roleList)
if accessing with an
index outside of the list.
RoleUnresolvedList public boolean
addAll(RoleUnresolvedList roleList)
if accessing with an
index outside of the list.add
ShortBuffer public abstract short
get(int index)
If index is negativeor
not smaller than the buffer's
TypeInfoProvider public abstract TypeInfo
getAttributeTypeInfo(int index)
If the
index is invalid.
TypeInfoProvider public abstract boolean
isIdAttribute(int index)
If the
index is invalid.
TypeInfoProvider public abstract boolean
isSpecified(int index)
If the
index is invalid.