ERROR - java.lang.InterruptedException - Possible Causes of InterruptedException

Exception Thrown By:Cause
CountDownLatch public void
if the current
thread is interrupted while
CyclicBarrier public int
if the current
thread was interrupted while waiting
MediaTracker public boolean
waitForAll(long ms)
if any thread
has interrupted this thread.
MediaTracker public void
waitForID(int id)
if any
thread hasinterrupted this thread.
Phaser public int
awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(int phase)
if thread
interrupted while waitingawait
PixelGrabber public boolean
grabPixels(long ms)
Another thread
has interrupted this thread
ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock public void
if the
current thread is interruptedtry
ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock public void
if the
current thread is interruptedtry
ReferenceQueue public Reference
If the
wait is interrupted
Semaphore public void
acquire(int permits)
if the
current thread is interrupted
StampedLock public long
if the current thread is interrupted
before acquiring the lockreadexclusively acquires the lock
StampedLock public long
if the current thread
is interrupted before acquiring the locktry
SwingWorker public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) if the current
thread was interrupted while waiting