Exception Thrown By: | Cause | |
Class | Method | |
CountDownLatch | public void await() | if the current thread is interrupted while waiting. |
CyclicBarrier | public int await() | if the current thread was interrupted while waiting |
MediaTracker | public boolean waitForAll(long ms) | if any thread has interrupted this thread. |
MediaTracker | public void waitForID(int id) | if any thread hasinterrupted this thread. |
Phaser | public int awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(int phase) | if thread interrupted while waitingawait |
PixelGrabber | public boolean grabPixels(long ms) | Another thread has interrupted this thread |
ReentrantReadWriteLock .ReadLock | public void lockInterruptibly() | if the current thread is interruptedtry |
ReentrantReadWriteLock .WriteLock | public void lockInterruptibly() | if the current thread is interruptedtry |
ReferenceQueue | public Reference remove() | If the wait is interrupted |
Semaphore | public void acquire(int permits) | if the current thread is interrupted |
StampedLock | public long writeLockInterruptibly() | if the current thread is interrupted before acquiring the lockreadexclusively acquires the lock |
StampedLock | public long readLockInterruptibly() | if the current thread is interrupted before acquiring the lock. |
SwingWorker | public void propertyChange (PropertyChangeEvent event) | if the current thread was interrupted while waiting |