Exception Thrown By: | Cause | |
Class | Method | |
AccessControlContext | public DomainCombiner getDomainCombiner() | if a security manager is installed and the caller does not have the ""getDomainCombiner" SecurityPermission |
AccessibleObject | public void setAccessible(boolean flag) | if the request is denied |
Applet | public final void setStub(AppletStub stub) | if the caller cannot set the stub. |
AuthProvider | public abstract void setCallbackHandler (CallbackHandler handler) | if the caller does not pass a security check. |
Beans | public static void setDesignTime (boolean isDesignTime) | if a security manager exists and its check |
Beans | public static void setGuiAvailable (boolean isGuiAvailable) | if a security manager exists and its check |
Configuration | public static void setConfiguration (Configuration configuration) | if the current thread does not have permission. |
Configuration | public void refresh() | if the caller does not have permission to refresh its Configuration |
CookieHandler | public static void setDefault (CookieHandler cHandler) | If a security manager has been installed and it denies NetPermission("setCookieHandler") |
Dialog | public void setModalityType (Dialog.ModalityType type) | if the calling thread does not have permission to create modal dialogs with the given modality |
DriverManager | public static void setLogStream(PrintStream out) | if a security manager exists and its check |
File | public String getAbsolutePath() | If a required system property value cannot be accessed |
File | public File getAbsoluteFile() | If a required system property value cannot be accessed. |
File | public URI toURI() | If a required system property value cannot be accessed |
File | public boolean canRead() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public boolean canWrite() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public boolean exists() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public boolean isDirectory() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public boolean isFile() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public boolean isHidden() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public long lastModified() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public long length() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager.checkRead(java.lang.String) method denies read access to the filecreate |
File | public boolean delete() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public void deleteOnExit() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public String[] list() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public String[] list(FilenameFilter filter) | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public File[] listFiles() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public File[] listFiles(FilenameFilter filter) | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public File[] listFiles(FileFilter filter) | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public boolean mkdir() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public boolean mkdirs() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public boolean renameTo(File dest) | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager.checkWrite(java.lang.String) method denies write access to either the old or new pathnames |
File | public boolean setReadOnly() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public boolean setWritable(boolean writable) | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public boolean setReadable(boolean readable) | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public boolean setExecutable (boolean executable) | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public boolean canExecute() | If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
File | public long getTotalSpace() | If a security manager has been installed and it denies |
File | public long getFreeSpace() | If a security manager has been installed and it denies |
File | public long getUsableSpace() | If a security manager has been installed and it denies |
FileHandler | public void close() | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control") |
FileInputStream | public FileInputStream (FileDescriptor fdObj) | if a security manager exists and its check |
FileOutputStream | public FileOutputStream (FileDescriptor fdObj) | if a security manager exists and its check |
Files | public static boolean isSymbolicLink(Path path) | In the case of the default provider |
Files | public static boolean isReadable(Path path) | In the case of the default provider |
Files | public static boolean isWritable(Path path) | In the case of the default provider |
Files | public static boolean isExecutable(Path path) | In the case of the default provider |
ForkJoinPool | public void shutdown() | if a security manager exists and the caller is not permitted to modify threads because it does not hold |
ForkJoinPool | public List shutdownNow() | if a security manager exists and the caller is not permitted to modify threads because it does not hold |
Formatter | public Formatter(File file) | If a security manager is present and check |
Graphics2D | public abstract void setComposite(Composite comp) | if a custom Composite object is being used to render to the screen and a security manager is set and its check |
Handler | public void setFormatter (Formatter newFormatter) | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have |
Handler | public void setEncoding(String encoding) | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control"). |
Handler | public void setFilter(Filter newFilter) | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control") |
Handler | public void setErrorManager (ErrorManager em) | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control") |
Handler | public ErrorManager getErrorManager() | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control"). |
Handler | public void setLevel(Level newLevel) | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control") |
HttpURLConnection | public static void setFollowRedirects (boolean set) | if a security manager exists and its check |
IdentityScope | public static IdentityScope getSystemScope() | if a security manager exists and its check |
Integer | public static Integer getInteger(String nm) | for the same reasons as |
Introspector | public static void setBeanInfoSearchPath (String[] path) | if a security manager exists and its check |
JTable | public boolean print() | if this thread is not allowed to initiate a print job request |
JTable | public boolean print(JTable.PrintMode printMode) | if this thread is not allowed to initiate a print job request |
KeyTab | public boolean exists() | if a security manager exists and the read access to the keytab file is not permittedto |
Locale | public static void setDefault (Locale newLocale) | if a security manager exists and itscheck |
LogManager | public void removeProperty ChangeListener (PropertyChangeListener l) | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control") |
LogManager | public void readConfiguration() | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control").IOE |
LogManager | public void reset() | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have |
LogManager | public void readConfiguration (InputStream ins) | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control").IOE |
LogManager | public void checkAccess() | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control") |
Logger | public void setFilter(Filter newFilter) | if a security manager exists |
Logger | public void setLevel(Level newLevel) | if a security manager exists |
Logger | public void addHandler (Handler handler) | if a security manager exists |
Logger | public void removeHandler (Handler handler) | if a security manager exists |
Logger | public void setUseParentHandlers (boolean useParentHandlers) | if a security manager exists |
Logger | public void setParent(Logger parent) | if a security manager exists and ifthe caller does not have LoggingPermission("control") |
Long | public static Long getLong(String nm) | for the same reasons as |
MBeanServerFactory | public static MBeanServer createMBeanServer() | if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply MBeanServerPermission("createMBeanServer").JMRuntimeE |
MBeanServerFactory | public static MBeanServer createMBeanServer (String domain) | if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply MBeanServerPermission("createMBeanServer").JMRuntimeE |
MBeanServerFactory | public static MBeanServer newMBeanServer() | if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply MBeanServerPermission("newMBeanServer").JMRuntimeE |
MBeanServerFactory | public static MBeanServer newMBeanServer (String domain) | if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply MBeanServerPermission("newMBeanServer").JMRuntimeE |
MBeanServerFactory | public static ArrayList findMBeanServer | if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply |
MBeanServerFactory | public static ClassLoaderRepository getClassLoaderRepository (MBeanServer server) | if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply MBeanPermission("getClassLoaderRepository").NullPointerE |
MemoryHandler | public void close() | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have |
MemoryHandler | public void setPushLevel (Level newLevel) | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control") |
MethodHandles .Lookup | public MethodHandleInfo revealDirect (MethodHandle target) | if a security manager is present and itrefuses access |
Policy | public static void setPolicy(Policy p) | if a security manager exists and itscheck |
Policy | public static void setPolicy(Policy policy) | if the current thread does nothave permission to set the Policy |
Policy | public abstract void refresh() | if the caller does not have permissionto refresh the Policy |
Preferences | public static Preferences userRoot() | If a security manager is present and it denies RuntimePermission("preferences") |
Preferences | public static Preferences systemRoot() | If a security manager is present and it denies RuntimePermission("preferences") |
PropertyEditorManager | public static void setEditorSearchPath (String[] path) | if a security manager exists and its check |
ProxySelector | public static void setDefault (ProxySelector ps) | If a security manager has been installed and it denies NetPermission("setProxySelector") |
RMISocketFactory | public static void setFailureHandler (RMIFailureHandler fh) | if a security manager exists and itscheck |
RemoteServer | public static void setLog(OutputStream out) | if there is a security manager andthe invocation of its check |
ResponseCache | public static void setDefault(ResponseCache responseCache) | If a security manager has been installed and it denies NetPermission("setResponseCache") |
Runtime | public void halt(int status) | If a security manager is present and its check |
Runtime | public static void runFinalizersOnExit (boolean value) | if a security manager exists and its check |
Runtime | public Process exec(String command) | If a security manager exists and itscheck |
Runtime | public Process exec(String[] cmdarray) | If a security manager exists and itscheck |
Runtime | public void load(String filename) | if a security manager exists and its check if either the filename is not an absolute path name |
Runtime | public void loadLibrary(String libname) | if a security manager exists and its check if either the libname argument contains a file path |
ScheduledThread PoolExecutor | public void shutdown() | if a security manager exists and shutting down this ExecutorService may manipulate threads that the caller is not permitted to modify because it does not hold RuntimePermission("modifyThread") |
ScheduledThread PoolExecutor | public List shutdownNow() | if a security manager exists and shutting down this ExecutorService may manipulate threads that the caller is not permitted to modify because it does not hold RuntimePermission("modifyThread") |
Security | public static void removeProvider(String name) | if a security manager exists and its SecurityManager |
Security | public static String getProperty(String key) | if a security manager exists and its SecurityManager.checkPermission(java.security.Permission) methoddeniesaccess to retrieve the specified security property value |
SecurityManager | public void checkPermission (Permission perm) | if access is not permitted based onthe current security policy. |
SecurityManager | public void checkCreateClassLoader() | if the calling thread does not have permission to create a new class loader. |
SecurityManager | public void checkAccess(Thread t) | if the calling thread does not have permission to modify the thread. |
SecurityManager | public void checkAccess(ThreadGroup g) | if the calling thread does not have permission to modify the thread group. |
SecurityManager | public void checkExit(int status) | if the calling thread does not havepermission to halt the Java Virtual Machine withthe specified status. |
SecurityManager | public void checkExec(String cmd) | if the calling thread does not have permission to create a subprocess. |
SecurityManager | public void checkLink(String lib) | if the calling thread does not have permission to dynamically link the library. |
SecurityManager | public void checkRead(FileDescriptor fd) | if the calling thread does not have permission to access the specified file descriptor. |
SecurityManager | public void checkRead(String file) | if the calling thread does not have permission to access the specified file. |
SecurityManager | public void checkWrite(FileDescriptor fd) | if the calling thread does not have permission to access the specified file descriptor. |
SecurityManager | public void checkWrite(String file) | if the calling thread does not have permission to access the specified file. |
SecurityManager | public void checkDelete(String file) | if the calling thread does not have permission to delete the file. |
SecurityManager | public void checkListen(int port) | if the calling thread does not have permission to listen on the specified port. |
SecurityManager | public void checkMulticast (InetAddress maddr) | if the calling thread is not allowed touse (join/leave/send/receive) IP multicast. |
SecurityManager | public void checkPropertiesAccess() | if the calling thread does not have permission to access or modify the system properties. |
SecurityManager | public void checkPropertyAccess (String key) | if the calling thread does not have permission to access the specified system property. |
SecurityManager | public void checkPrintJobAccess() | if the calling thread does not have permission to initiate a print job request. |
SecurityManager | public void checkSystem ClipboardAccess() | if the calling thread does not have permission to access the system clipboard. |
SecurityManager | public void checkAwtEvent QueueAccess() | if the calling thread does not have permission to access the AWT event queue. |
SecurityManager | public void checkPackageAccess (String pkg) | if the calling thread does not have permission to access the specified package. |
SecurityManager | public void checkPackageDefinition (String pkg) | if the calling thread does not have permission to define classes in the specified package. |
SecurityManager | public void checkSetFactory() | if the calling thread does not have permission to specify a socket factory or a stream handler factory. |
SecurityManager | public void checkSecurityAccess (String target) | if the calling thread does not have permission for the requested access. |
Service | public void setExecutor (Executor executor) | If the instance does not support setting an executor for security reasons (e |
ServiceDelegate | public abstract void setExecutor (Executor executor) | If the instance does not support setting an executor for security reasons (e |
Signer | public PrivateKey getPrivateKey() | if a security manager exists and its check |
SocketHandler | public void close() | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control") |
StreamHandler | public void setEncoding(String encoding) | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control").UnsupportedEncodingE |
StreamHandler | public void close() | if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control") |
SyncFactory | public static void setLogger(Logger logger) | if a security manager exists and its check |
System | public static void setOut(PrintStream out) | if a security manager exists and itscheck |
System | public static void setErr(PrintStream err) | if a security manager exists and itscheck |
System | public static void setSecurityManager (SecurityManager s) | if the security manager has already been set and its check |
System | public static Properties getProperties() | if a security manager exists and its check |
System | public static void setProperties(Properties props) | if a security manager exists and its check |
System | public static String getProperty(String key) | if a security manager exists and its check |
System | public static String clearProperty(String key) | if a security manager exists and its check |
System | public static void exit(int status) | if a security manager exists and its check |
System | public static void runFinalizersOnExit (boolean value) | if a security manager exists and its check |
System | public static void load(String filename) | if a security manager exists and its check if either the filename is not an absolute path name |
System | public static void loadLibrary(String libname) | if a security manager exists and its check if either the libname argument contains a file path |
ThreadGroup | public final ThreadGroup getParent() | if the current thread cannot modify this thread group. |
ThreadGroup | public final void setDaemon(boolean daemon) | if the current thread cannot modify this thread group. |
ThreadGroup | public final void setMaxPriority(int pri) | if the current thread cannot modify this thread group. |
ThreadGroup | public final void checkAccess() | if the current thread is not allowed to access this thread group |
ThreadPoolExecutor | public void shutdown() | if a security manager exists and shutting down this ExecutorService may manipulate threads that the caller is not permitted to modify because it does not hold RuntimePermission("modifyThread") |
ThreadPoolExecutor | public List shutdownNow() | if a security manager exists and shutting down this ExecutorService may manipulate threads that the caller is not permitted to modify because it does not hold RuntimePermission("modifyThread") |
TimeZone | public static void setDefault (TimeZone zone) | if the security manager's check |
Window | public void setModalExclusionType (Dialog. ModalExclusionType exclusionType) | if the calling thread does not have permission to set the modal exclusion property to the window with the given exclusion |
Window | public final void setAlwaysOnTop (boolean alwaysOnTop) | if the calling thread does not have permission to set the value of always on top property |