Exception Thrown By: | Cause | |
Class | Method | |
DriverManager | public static Connection getConnection(String url) | if a database access error occurs or the url is null |
DriverManager | public static Driver getDriver(String url) | if a database access error occurs |
DriverManager | public static void registerDriver(Driver driver) | if a database access error occurs |
DriverManager | public static void deregisterDriver(Driver driver) | if a database access error occurs |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public int getColumnCount() | if an error occurs determining the column count |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public boolean isAutoIncrement(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public boolean isCaseSensitive(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public boolean isSearchable(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public boolean isCurrency(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public int isNullable(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public boolean isSigned(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public int getColumnDisplaySize(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public String getColumnLabel(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bounds |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public String getColumnName(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public String getSchemaName(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public int getPrecision(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public int getScale(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public String getTableName(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public String getCatalogName(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public int getColumnType(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public String getColumnTypeName(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public boolean isReadOnly(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public boolean isWritable(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public boolean isDefinitelyWritable(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public String getColumnClassName(int columnIndex) | if a database access error occurs or the given column number is out of bound < |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public T unwrap(Class | If no object found that implements the interface |
RowSetMetaDataImpl | public boolean isWrapperFor(Class interfaces) | if an error occurs while determining whether this is a wrapper for an object with the given interface |
SQLInputImpl | public String readString() | if the read position is located at an invalid position or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public boolean readBoolean() | if the read position is located at an invalid position or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public byte readByte() | if the read position is located at an invalid position or if there are no further values in the stream read |
SQLInputImpl | public short readShort() | if the read position is located at an invalid position or if there are no more values in the stream read |
SQLInputImpl | public int readInt() | if the read position is located at an invalid position or if there are no more values in the stream read |
SQLInputImpl | public long readLong() | if the read position is located at an invalid position or if there are no more values in the stream read |
SQLInputImpl | public float readFloat() | if the read position is located at an invalid position or if there are no more values in the stream read |
SQLInputImpl | public double readDouble() | if the read position is located at an invalid position or if there are no more values in the stream read |
SQLInputImpl | public BigDecimal readBigDecimal() | if the read position is located at an invalid position or if there are no more values in the stream read |
SQLInputImpl | public byte[] readBytes() | if the read position is located at an invalid position or if there are no more values in the stream read |
SQLInputImpl | public Date readDate() | if the read position is located at an invalid position or if there are no more values in the stream read |
SQLInputImpl | public Time readTime() | if the read position is located at an invalid position; or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public Timestamp readTimestamp() | if the read position is located at an invalid position; or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public Reader readCharacterStream() | if the read position is located at an invalid position; or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public InputStream readAsciiStream() | if the read position is located at an invalid position; or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public InputStream readBinaryStream() | if the read position is located at an invalid position; or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public Object readObject() | if the read position is located at an invalid position; or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public Ref readRef() | if the read position is located at an invalid position; or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public Blob readBlob() | if the read position is located at an invalid position; or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public Clob readClob() | if the read position is located at an invalid position; or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public Array readArray() | if the read position is located at an invalid position; or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public boolean wasNull() | if an error occurs determining the last value read was a null value or not. |
SQLInputImpl | public URL readURL() | if the read position is located at an invalid position; or if there are no further values in the stream. |
SQLInputImpl | public NClob readNClob() | if a database access error occurs |
SQLInputImpl | public String readNString() | if a database access error occurs |
SQLInputImpl | public SQLXML readSQLXML() | if a database access error occurs |
SQLInputImpl | public RowId readRowId() | if a database access error occurs |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeString(String x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeBoolean(boolean x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeByte(byte x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeShort(short x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeInt(int x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeLong(long x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeFloat(float x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeDouble(double x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeBigDecimal(BigDecimal x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeBytes(byte[] x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeDate(Date x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeTime(Time x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeTimestamp(Timestamp x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeCharacterStream(Reader x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeAsciiStream(InputStream x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeBinaryStream(InputStream x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeObject(SQLData x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeRef(Ref x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeBlob(Blob x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeClob(Clob x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeStruct(Struct x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeArray(Array x) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeURL(URL url) | if the SQLOutputImpl object is in use by a SQLData object attempting to write the attributevalues of a UDT to the database. |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeNString(String x) | if a database access error occurs |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeNClob(NClob x) | if a database access error occurs |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeRowId(RowId x) | if a database access error occurs |
SQLOutputImpl | public void writeSQLXML(SQLXML x) | if a database access error occurs |
SerialArray | public void free() | if an error occurs releasing the SerialArray's resources |
SerialBlob | public OutputStream setBinaryStream(long pos) | if there is an error accessing |
SerialBlob | public void free() | if an error occurs releasing the Blob's resources |
SerialClob | public void free() | if an error occurs releasing the Clob's resources |