Exception Thrown By: | Cause | |
Class | Method | |
AttachmentPart | public abstract Object getContent() | if there is no content set into this |
AttachmentPart | public abstract InputStream getRawContent() | if there is no content set into this |
AttachmentPart | public abstract byte[] getRawContentBytes() | if there is no content set into this |
AttachmentPart | public abstract InputStream getBase64Content() | if there is no content set into this |
AttachmentPart | public abstract DataHandler getDataHandler() | if there is no data in this AttachmentPart objectset |
MessageFactory | public static MessageFactory newInstance(String protocol) | if there was an error in creating thespecified implementation of |
MessageFactory | public abstract SOAPMessage createMessage() | if a SOAP error occurs |
SAAJResult | public SAAJResult(String protocol) | if a SOAPMessage supporting the specified protocol cannot be created |
SOAPConnection | public SOAPMessage get(Object to) | if there is a SOAP error |
SOAPConnection | public abstract void close() | if there is a SOAP error |
SOAPConnectionFactory | public abstract SOAPConnection createConnection() | if there was an exception creating the SOAPConnection object |
SOAPElementFactory | public SOAPElement create(String localName) | if there is an error in creating theSOAP |
SOAPElementFactory | public static SOAPElementFactory newInstance() | if there was an error creating thedefault SOAPElementFactorySkip navigation links |
SOAPFactory | public abstract SOAPElement createElement(Name name) | if there is an error in creating theSOAP |
SOAPFactory | public SOAPElement createElement(QName qname) | if there is an error in creating theSOAP |
SOAPFactory | public abstract SOAPElement createElement(String localName) | if there is an error in creating theSOAP |
SOAPFactory | public abstract Detail createDetail() | if there is a SOAP error |
SOAPFactory | public abstract SOAPFault createFault() | if there is a SOAP error |
SOAPFactory | public abstract Name createName(String localName) | if there is a SOAP errornew |
SOAPFactory | public static SOAPFactory newInstance() | if there was an error creating thedefault SOAPFactory |
SOAPFactory | public static SOAPFactory newInstance(String protocol) | if there was an error creating thespecified SOAPFactory |
SOAPMessage | public SOAPHeader getSOAPHeader() | if the SOAP Header does not exist or cannot be retrieved |
SOAPMessage | public abstract AttachmentPart getAttachment(SOAPElement element) | if there is an error in the attempt to access theattachment |
SOAPMessage | public abstract void saveChanges() | if there was a problem saving changes to this message.SOAP |
SOAPMessage | public Object getProperty(String property) | if the property name is not recognized |
SOAPPart | public abstract void setContent(Source source) | if there is a problem in setting the source |
SOAPPart | public abstract Source getContent() | if the implementation cannot convertthe specified Source object |