ERROR - springframework.beans.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException - Possible Causes of NoSuchBeanDefinitionException

Exception Thrown By:Cause
GenericApplicationContext public void
removeBeanDefinition(String beanName)
if there is
no such bean definition.
GenericApplicationContext public BeanDefinition
getBeanDefinition(String beanName)
if there is
no such bean definition.
SimpleBeanDefinitionRegistry public void
removeBeanDefinition(String beanName)
if there is
no such bean definition.
SimpleBeanDefinitionRegistry public BeanDefinition
getBeanDefinition(String beanName)
if there is
no such bean definition.
SimpleJndiBeanFactory public
T getBean(Class requiredType)
if no bean of
the given type was found.
SimpleJndiBeanFactory public boolean
isSingleton(String name)
if there is no
bean with the given name.
SimpleJndiBeanFactory public boolean
isPrototype(String name)
if there is no
bean with the given name.
SimpleJndiBeanFactory public Class
getType(String name)
if there is no
bean with the given name.