ERROR - - Possible Causes of JSONException

Exception Thrown By:Cause
Apache Sling JSONArray public JSONArray(java.lang.String string) If there is a syntax
Apache Sling JSONArray public java.lang.Object get(int index) If there is no
value for the index.
Apache Sling JSONArray public boolean getBoolean(int index) If there is no value for the index
or if the value is not convertable to boolean.
Apache Sling JSONArray public double getDouble(int index) If the key is not found or if
the value cannotbe converted to a number.
Apache Sling JSONArray public int getInt(int index) If the key is not found or if the value cannotbe converted
to a number.
Apache Sling JSONArray public JSONArray getJSONArray(int index) If there is no value for the index. or
if the value is not a JSON array.
Apache Sling JSONArray public JSONObject getJSONObject(int index) If there is no value for the index or
if the value is not a JSON Object.
Apache Sling JSONArray public long getLong(int index) If the key is not found or
if the value cannot be converted to a number.
Apache Sling JSONArray public java.lang.String getString(int index) If there is no value for
the index.
Apache Sling JSONArray public java.lang.String join(java.lang.String separator) If the array contains an invalid number.
Apache Sling JSONArray public JSONArray put(double value) if the value is not finite.
Apache Sling JSONArray public JSONObject toJSONObject(JSONArray names) If any of the names are
Apache Sling JSONObject public JSONObject(JSONTokener x) If there is a
syntax error in the source string.
Apache Sling JSONObject public JSONObject(java.lang.String string) If there is a syntax
error in the source string.
Apache Sling JSONObject public java.lang.Object get(java.lang.String key) if the key
is not found.
Apache Sling JSONObject public boolean getBoolean(java.lang.String key) if the value is not a Boolean
or the String "true" or "false".
Apache Sling JSONObject public double getDouble(java.lang.String key) if the key is not found or if the value is not
a Number object and cannot be converted to a number.
Apache Sling JSONObject public int getInt(java.lang.String key) if the key is not found or if
the value cannotbe converted to an integer.
Apache Sling JSONObject public JSONArray getJSONArray(java.lang.String key) if the key is not found orif
the value is not a JSON Array.
Apache Sling JSONObject public JSONObject getJSONObject(java.lang.String key) if the key is not found orif
the value is not a JSONObject.
Apache Sling JSONObject public long getLong(java.lang.String key) if the key is not found or
if the value cannotbe converted to a long.
Apache Sling JSONObject public java.lang.String getString(java.lang.String key) if the key is not found.haspublic
boolean has(java.lang.String key)Determinif the JSONObject contains a specific key.
Apache Sling JSONObject public static java.lang
.String numberToString
(java.lang.Number n)
If n is a non finite
Apache Sling JSONTokener public java.lang
.String next(int n)
Substring bounds error if there are not
n characters remaining in the source string.
Apache Sling JSONWriter public JSONWriter endArray() If incorrectly
Apache Sling JSONWriter public JSONWriter endObject() If incorrectly
Apache Sling JSONWriter public JSONWriter key(java.lang.String s) If the key is
out of place. 
Apache Sling JSONWriter public JSONWriter object() If the
nesting is too deep
Apache Sling Validator public static void validate(JSONTokener x) If the
text is not valid
Apache Wicket JSONArray public
JSONArray(String source)
If there is a syntax
Apache Wicket JSONArray public
JSONArray(Object array)
If not an
Apache Wicket JSONArray public Object get(int index) If there is no
value for the index.
Apache Wicket JSONArray public boolean getBoolean(int index) If there is no value for the index
or if the value is not convertible to boolean.
Apache Wicket JSONArray public double
getDouble(int index)
If the key is not found or if
the value cannotbe converted to a number.
Apache Wicket JSONArray public int getInt(int index) If the key is not found or
if the value is not a number.
Apache Wicket JSONArray public JSONArray getJSONArray(int index) If there is no value for the index. or
if the value is not a JSON Array
Apache Wicket JSONArray public JSONObject getJSONObject(int index) If there is no value for the index or
if the value is not a JSON Object.
Apache Wicket JSONArray public long getLong(int index) If the key is not found or if
the value cannotbe converted to a number.
Apache Wicket JSONArray public String
getString(int index)
If there is no string value
for the index.
Apache Wicket JSONArray public String join(String separator) If the array contains an invalid number.
Apache Wicket JSONArray public JSONArray put(double value) if the value is not finite.
Apache Wicket JSONArray public JSONObject
(JSONArray names)
If any of the names are null.
Apache Wicket JSONWriter public JSONWriter endArray() If incorrectly
Apache Wicket JSONWriter public JSONWriter endObject() If incorrectly
Apache Wicket JSONWriter public JSONWriter key(String string) If the key is
out of place. 
Apache Wicket JSONWriter public JSONWriter object() If the
nesting is too deep.