Java 9 - New Classes and Interfaces in JDK 1.9


AbstractAnnotationValueVisitor9Abstract Classjavax.lang.model.utilA skeletal visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9Detail
AbstractElementVisitor9Abstract Classjavax.lang.model.utilA skeletal visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9Detail
AbstractMultiResolutionImageAbstract Classjava.awt.imageThis class provides default implementations of several Image methods for classes that want to implement the interface.Detail
AbstractTypeVisitor9Abstract Classjavax.lang.model.utilA skeletal visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for WARNING: The TypeVisitor interface implementedDetail
AccessibilityProviderClassjavax.accessibilityService Provider Interface (SPI) for Assistive Technology.Detail
BaseMultiResolutionImageClassjava.awt.imageThis class is an array-based implementation of the AbstractMultiResolutionImage class.Detail
BeanPropertyAnnotation Typejava.beansAn annotation used to specify some property-related information for the automatically generated BeanInfo classes.Detail
CRC32CClassjava.util.zipA class that can be used to compute the CRC-32C of a data stream.Detail
ConstructorParametersAnnotation An annotation on a constructor that shows how the parameters of that constructor correspond to the constructed object's getterDetail
DocumentRangeInterfaceorg.w3c.dom.rangesSee also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification.Detail
DocumentTraversalInterfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalDocumentTraversal contains methods that create NodeIterators and TreeWalkers to traverse aDetail
ElementKindVisitor9Classjavax.lang.model.utilA visitor of program elements based on their kind with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9 source version.Detail
ElementScanner9Classjavax.lang.model.utilA scanning visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9Detail class encapsulates an EncryptionKey used in Kerberos.Detail
FlowClassjava.util.concurrentInterrelated interfaces and static methods for establishing flow-controlled components in which PublishersDetail
JAXBContextFactoryInterfacejavax.xml.bindFactory that creates new JAXBContext instances.Detail
JavaBeanAnnotation Typejava.beansAn annotation used to specify some class-related information for the automatically generated BeanInfo classes.Detail class encapsulates a Kerberos 5 KRB_CRED message which can be used to send Kerberos credentials from one principal to another.Detail
MultiResolutionImageInterfacejava.awt.imageThis interface is designed to be an optional additional API supported by some implementations of Image to allow them to provideDetail
NodeFilterInterfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalFilters are objects that know how to "filter out" nodes.Detail
NodeIteratorInterfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalNodeIterators are used to step through a set of nodes, e.Detail
PermissionCollectionClassjava.securityAbstract class representing a collection of Permission objects.Detail
ProcessHandleInterfacejava.langProcessHandle identifies and provides control of native processes.Detail
ProcessHandle.InfoInterfacejava.langInformation snapshot about the process.Detail
RangeInterfaceorg.w3c.dom.rangesSee also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification.Detail
RangeExceptionClassorg.w3c.dom.rangesRange operations may throw a RangeException as specified in their method descriptions.Detail
SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9Classjavax.lang.model.utilA simple visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9Detail
SimpleElementVisitor9Classjavax.lang.model.utilA simple visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9Detail
SubmissionPublisherClassjava.util.concurrentA Flow.Detail
SwingContainerAnnotation Typejavax.swingAn annotation used to specify some swing-related information for the automatically generated BeanInfo classes.Detail
TreeWalkerInterfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalTreeWalker objects are used to navigate a document tree or subtree using the view of the document defined by theirDetail
TypeKindVisitor9Classjavax.lang.model.utilA visitor of types based on their kind with default behavior appropriate for the RELEASE_9 source version.Detail used as input for CertStore algorithms which use information contained in a URI to retrieve certificates and CRLs.Detail stream handler service-provider class.Detail
XPathEvaluationResultInterfacejavax.xml.xpathThe XPathEvaluationResult interface represents the result of the evaluation of an XPath expression within the context of a particular node.Detail
XPathNodesInterfacejavax.xml.xpathXPathNodes represents a set of nodes selected by a location path as specified in XML Path Language (XPath)Detail