ERROR - Apache Solr / Lucene - org.apache.solr.common.SolrException - Possible Causes of SolrException

Exception Thrown By:Cause
Apache Solr / Lucene CoreContainer public SolrCore getCore(java.lang.String name) if a SolrCore with
this name failed to be initialized.
Apache Solr / Lucene DocSlice public void addUnique(int doc) Base implementation
does not allow modifications
Apache Solr / Lucene HashDocSet public void addUnique(int doc) Base implementation
does not allow modifications
Apache Solr / Lucene NamedList public java.lang.Boolean getBooleanArg(java.lang.String name) If multiple values are found for the name or
the value found is not a Boolean or a String.
Apache Solr / Lucene NamedList public java.util.Collection removeConfigArgs(java.lang.String name) If values are found for the input
key that are not strings or arrays of strings
Apache Solr / Lucene SortedIntDocSet public void addUnique(int doc) Base implementation
does not allow modifications
Apache Solr / Lucene CoreContainer public SolrCore getCore(java.lang.String name) if a SolrCore with
this name failed to be initialized
Apache Solr / Lucene DocSlice public void addUnique(int doc) Base implementation
does not allow modifications
Apache Solr / Lucene HashDocSet public void addUnique(int doc) Base implementation
does not allow modifications
Apache Solr / Lucene NamedList public java.lang.Boolean getBooleanArg(java.lang.String name) If multiple values are found for the name or
the value found is not a Boolean or a String.
Apache Solr / Lucene NamedList public java.util.Collection removeConfigArgs(java.lang.String name) If values are found for the input
key that are not strings or arrays of strings
Apache Solr / Lucene SortedIntDocSet public void addUnique(int doc) Base implementation
does not allow modifications