PROBLEM - JQuery - Create a Dialog ( Confirm )


Create a Dialog ( Confirm )

Solution Code

Dialog with a fixed height and width

            'Are you sure You would like to do this ?')
              resizable : false,
              modal : true,
              title : "Alert",
              height : 150,
              width : 400,
              buttons : {
                "Yes" : function() {

                    // Code to perform action on Yes

                 "No" : function() {
                      // Code to perform action on No

Dialog with expanding height and width 

            'Are you sure You would like to do this ?')
              resizable : false,
              modal : true,
              title : "Confirmation",
              buttons : {
                "Yes" : function() {

                    // Code to perform action on Yes

                 "No" : function() {
                      // Code to perform action on No
