Java ME Embedded - Class Diagram - Classes that implement DeviceConfig


ADCChannelConfigapi.jdk.dio.adcThe ADCChannelConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of an ADC channel.Detail
ATDeviceConfigapi.jdk.dio.atcmdThe ATDeviceConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of an AT device.Detail
DACChannelConfigapi.jdk.dio.dacThe DACChannelConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of an DAC channel.Detail
GPIOPinConfigapi.jdk.dio.gpioThe GPIOPinConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of a GPIO pin.Detail
GPIOPortConfigapi.jdk.dio.gpioThe GPIOPortConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of a GPIO port.Detail
GenericDeviceConfigapi.jdk.dio.genericThe GenericDeviceConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information of generic Note that it does not encapsulates static or dynamic configuration parameters; and thatDetail
I2CDeviceConfigapi.jdk.dio.i2cbusThe I2CDeviceConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of an I2C slave device.Detail
MMIODeviceConfigapi.jdk.dio.mmioThe MMIODeviceConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of an MMIO device.Detail
PWMChannelConfigapi.jdk.dio.pwmThe PWMChannelConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of a PWM channel.Detail
PulseCounterConfigapi.jdk.dio.counterThe PulseCounterConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of a pulse counter.Detail
SPIDeviceConfigapi.jdk.dio.spibusThe SPIDeviceConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of an SPI slave device.Detail
UARTConfigapi.jdk.dio.uartThe UARTConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of a UART.Detail
WatchdogTimerConfigapi.jdk.dio.watchdogThe WatchdogTimerConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of a watchdog timer.Detail