New Classes and Interfaces in MongoDB 3.1
Name | Type | Description | Detail |
Accumulators | Class | Builders for accumulators used in the group pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline. | Detail |
Aggregates | Class | Builders for aggregation pipeline stages. | Detail |
AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory | Class | A StreamFactoryFactory implementation for AsynchronousSocketChannel-based streams. | Detail |
BsonField | Class | A representation of a BSON document field whose value is another BSON document. | Detail |
CommandEvent | Class | An event representing a MongoDB database command. | Detail |
CommandFailedEvent | Class | An event representing the failure of a MongoDB database command. | Detail |
CommandListener | Interface | A listener for command eventsListener for command failure events | Detail |
CommandListenerMulticaster | Class | A multicaster for connection events. | Detail |
CommandStartedEvent | Class | An event representing the start of a command execution. | Detail |
CommandSucceededEvent | Class | An event representing the completion of a MongoDB database command. | Detail |
CoordinateReferenceSystem | Class | A GeoJSON Coordinate Reference System (CRS). | Detail |
CoordinateReferenceSystemType | Enum | enum CoordinateReferenceSystemTypeAn enumeration of the GeoJSON coordinate reference system types. | Detail |
GeoJsonCodecProvider | Class | A provider of codecs for GeoJSON objects. | Detail |
GeoJsonObjectType | Enum | enum GeoJsonObjectTypeAn enumeration of GeoJSON object types. | Detail |
Geometry | Class | An abstract class for representations of GeoJSON geometry objects. | Detail |
GeometryCollection | Class | A representation of a GeoJSON GeometryCollection. | Detail |
GeometryCollectionCodec | Class | A Codec for a GeoJSON GeometryCollection. | Detail |
GridFSBucket | Interface | Represents a GridFS BucketGiven a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket. | Detail |
GridFSBuckets | Class | A factory for GridFSBucket instances. | Detail |
GridFSDownloadByNameOptions | Class | The GridFS download by name options Controls the selection of the revision to download | Detail |
GridFSDownloadStream | Class | A GridFS InputStream for downloading data from GridFS Provides the GridFSFile for the file to being downloaded as well as the read methods of a InputStream | Detail |
GridFSFile | Class | Constructors Constructor and DescriptionGridFSFile(BsonValue id, String filename, | Detail |
GridFSFindIterable | Interface | Iterable for the GridFS Files Collection. | Detail |
GridFSUploadOptions | Class | GridFS upload options Customizable options used when uploading files into GridFS | Detail |
GridFSUploadStream | Class | A GridFS OutputStream for uploading data into GridFS Provides the id for the file to be uploaded as well as the write methods of a OutputStream | Detail |
GroupCommand | Class | This class groups the argument for a group operation and can build the underlying command objectMongoDB documentationGroup | Detail |
Indexes | Class | A factory for defining index keys. | Detail |
LineString | Class | A representation of a GeoJSON LineString. | Detail |
LineStringCodec | Class | A Codec for a GeoJSON LineString. | Detail |
MongoGridFSException | Class | An exception indicating that a failure occurred in GridFS. | Detail |
MultiLineString | Class | A representation of a GeoJSON MultiLineString. | Detail |
MultiLineStringCodec | Class | A Codec for a GeoJSON MultiLineString. | Detail |
MultiPoint | Class | A representation of a GeoJSON MultiPoint. | Detail |
MultiPointCodec | Class | A Codec for a GeoJSON MultiPoint. | Detail |
MultiPolygon | Class | A representation of a GeoJSON MultiPolygon. | Detail |
MultiPolygonCodec | Class | A Codec for a GeoJSON MultiPolygon. | Detail |
NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem | Class | A GeoJSON named Coordinate Reference System. | Detail |
NamedCoordinateReferenceSystemCodec | Class | Codec for a GeoJson Coordinate Reference System of type name. | Detail |
NettyStreamFactoryFactory | Class | A StreamFactoryFactory implementation for Netty-based streams. | Detail |
Observables | Class | Allows async methods to be converted into event-based Observables. | Detail |
Observer | Interface | Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications. | Detail |
Point | Class | A representation of a GeoJSON Point. | Detail |
PointCodec | Class | A Codec for a GeoJSON point. | Detail |
Polygon | Class | A representation of a GeoJSON Polygon. | Detail |
PolygonCodec | Class | A Codec for a GeoJSON polygon. | Detail |
PolygonCoordinates | Class | Coordinates for a GeoJSON Polygon. | Detail |
Position | Class | A representation of a GeoJSON Position. | Detail |
PushOptions | Class | The options to apply to a $push update operator. | Detail |
StreamFactoryFactory | Interface | A factory of StreamFactory instances. | Detail |
Subscription | Interface | A Subscription represents a one-to-one lifecycle of a Observer subscribing to an Observable. | Detail |
Updates | Class | A factory for document updates. | Detail |
WritableServerSelector | Class | A server selector that chooses servers that are writable. | Detail |
Class Hierarchy for New Classes within package - connection.netty
Class Hierarchy for New Classes within package - client.model
Class Hierarchy for New Classes within package - mongodb.event
Class Hierarchy for New Classes within package - mongodb.selector
Class Hierarchy for New Classes within package - com.mongodb
Class Hierarchy for New Classes within package - geojson.codecs
Class Hierarchy for New Classes within package - mongodb.connection
Class Hierarchy for New Classes within package - model.geojson
Class Hierarchy for New Classes within package - client.gridfs
Class Hierarchy for New Classes within package - gridfs.model
Class Hierarchy for New Classes within package - async.client
Classes that implement CommandListener Interface
Classes that implement StreamFactoryFactory Interface