ERROR - Maven - Rule 0: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.BanDuplicateClasses failed with message: Duplicate classes found:


Rule 0: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.BanDuplicateClasses failed with message:
Duplicate classes found:

  Found in: 
  Duplicate classes:

Error Type



The error occurs because you have configured maven-enforcer-plugin which restricts the build with duplicate classes , You can see the following configuration in your pom file 




Resolution # 1 - Ignore Duplicates - Within the plugin configuration , you can specify the class / classes that should be ignored. For example -

Ignoring a particular class duplicates 

                  <groupId>Module 1 group</groupId>
                  <artifactId>Module 1 artifatc</artifactId>

Ignoring multiple classes duplicates 

                   <groupId>Module 1 group</groupId>
                   <artifactId>Module 1 artifatc</artifactId>

The obove resolution only ignores the duplicates during Build but won't help in the runtime issue that might arise at runtime due to those duplicates

Resolution # 2 - Don't allow duplicates in the Build by excluding them.

Identify which jar you want and which one you would like to exclude ( groupxxx:artifactxxx or groupyyyy:artifactyyyy )

Go to the project pom directory and do mvn dependency:tree and locate the jar file which you would like to exclude

If it's a direct dependency, simply remove that dependency from the pom file configuration.

If it's a transitive dependency, first identify the direct dependency and then add exclusion config in the pom file like following

        <groupId>DirectDependency Group</groupId>
        <artifactId>DirectDependency Artifact</artifactId>=

This config will not allow project / jar groupyyyy:artifactyyyy to be included in the current build and hence it won't complain about the duplicate.